Bookin' It My Way

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Location: Minneapolis, Minnesota

I can't imagine a world with no books in it, which is why I read and write so much.

Thursday, March 15, 2007

Looking For Ward 3/16/07

Date: March 16 2007
Subject: This weekend
Bethany -
I finally got Owen to agree to take me with him this weekend. He hadn’t responded to my e-mail yesterday so last night I called him. Our conversation was something like this:
Me: You never responded to my e-mail.
Owen: I had a busy day today.
Me: Oh, well, that’s okay. Just tell me what time we’re taking off on Saturday morning.
Owen: I still don’t think you should come.
Me: Why?!
Owen: Because you’re obviously not that committed to Ward.
Me: (stunned) Excuse me?
Owen: Chloe, I don’t know what you were thinking, but writing that you once were interested in me only makes me less on your side. This whole thing is about finding Ward. I’m only up for helping you if I think that you’re in this to help him. After reading what you wrote, I’m not convinced.
Me: Oh, come on! Owen, I only told you I was interested in you so you’d understand my motives. It was years ago…
Owen: You were being manipulative. You thought you’d get what you want by appealing to my ego.
Me: That is so unfair! Look, if I wasn’t up for helping Ward I wouldn’t be begging you to let me come. I actually have a lot of work to do.
Owen: In your daddy’s store?
Me: Well, yeah, and on my jewelry. I have to prepare a piece for a gallery showing. This is a big deal for me, and it couldn’t be happening at a worse time.
Owen: I didn’t know you still did jewelry.
Me: There’s a lot you don’t know. You think you’re so above us all, Owen.
Owen: Not true. I think less of myself than I think of most people.
Me: Except me?
Owen: (long pause) I’ve always thought a lot of you, Chloe. That’s why I’m so hard on you. You could be a lot more.
Me: A lot more than what?
Owen: A lot more than a woman who works at a store she doesn’t care about and is engaged to a guy who ran off a month before their wedding with no explanation.
Me: Ouch.
(longer pause)
Owen: Sometimes the truth hurts. (longest pause) Look – if you really want to come with me, be at my place Saturday morning at 7:00. Bring coffee.

Then he hung up. So I guess we’re going to look for Ward this weekend. I know I should feel like I’ve made some progress, but what he said to me still stings.

Talk to you soon.

March 16 2007
Subject: Re: this weekend
I guess I’m happy that you got what you wanted. But be careful. Just remember that you are in this to find Ward, not to finally gain Owen’s approval. Also remember that it is very uncool to sleep with your best friend’s ex, who also happens to be the best friend of your absentee fiancé. I’m just saying…
So don’t be mad.

Date: March 16 2007
Subject: Re: This weekend
Bethany –
I’m mad.
How can you even suggest that I’d sleep with Owen? I love Ward. And I love you. Come on!
I’ll let you know how everything went when we get back.


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