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Location: Minneapolis, Minnesota

I can't imagine a world with no books in it, which is why I read and write so much.

Saturday, March 03, 2007

Looking For Ward 3/4/07

Date: March 4 2007
Subject: Sunday dinner
Bethany –
I had to lie to my parents today. After everything they’ve done for me, I feel guilty just sneezing in their presence. But today I lied – and I told myself it was for their own good. If had done anything other than pretend that everything was just peachy then they would worry about me. And honestly, at this point, worry is a futile emotion.

So needless to say, there has been no word from Ward. By now I’m so angry I ought to be foaming at the mouth. The only reason I am not is because from time to time I experience moments of panic that either he’s in danger, or that he’ll never come back and my life will be ruined. This plunges me into despair and I forget about my anger for a moment. But then I am forced to endure things like Sunday dinner, and I remember how angry I am.

Do I sound hyperbolic? Believe me, I am not exaggerating my situation in the least. If you had been at dinner today, you’d know what I mean. So about that - rather than go into all the gory detail, I’m simply going to give you Chloe’s list of the top five terrible things about dinner (in descending order):
5. My father was disappointed that Ward wasn’t there because he had finished restoring the Porsche and he couldn’t wait to show it off. The look on his face, when he discovered Ward wasn’t coming, reminded me of Papa fish losing Nemo.
4. “How does Ward feel about the flower arrangements? I wish he was here. I hate leaving details like this up to chance.” My mom said that FIVE times throughout the evening (seriously, I counted..)
3. We had broccoli and cheese as a side dish. Ward’s favorite. I felt compelled to eat more to make up for his absence, and now I feel bloated.
2. “Is everything okay between the two of you? You seem a little off tonight honey.”
“Everything is fine, Mom.”
“You’d tell us is something was wrong, right Princess?”
“Of course I would, Dad.”
And #1 is …. Hawaii! That’s right. My parents had invited us over for dinner tonight because they wanted to surprise us with tickets/hotel reservations to Hawaii. Can you believe it? They’re not only shelling out for the wedding, but now they’re spending what has to be thousands to send us on a first class honeymoon. I tried so hard to act thrilled, but underneath it all I was resisting the urge to visit the porcelain Goddess and pay tribute with barely digested broccoli and cheese. I think my parents bought my act, but this is only the beginning.

I mean, Ward needs to call them and say thank you.

Bethany, do you have any advice? Should I just come clean? Tell me what to do and I’ll do it. Right now all I want is to not have to think.

Gotta go. There’s a knock at my door.


Laurel Osterkamp
author of Following My Toes

Copyright Laurel Osterkamp, 2007. All rights reserved.


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