Bookin' It My Way

Here you will find book related contests, links to reviews, and other fun, book related stuff.

Location: Minneapolis, Minnesota

I can't imagine a world with no books in it, which is why I read and write so much.

Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Contest Results

I am so pleased with the results from the contest! Quite a few people entered, and the winner is Kym, who has her own book blog. Here is the link:

As promised, I am posting some of the responses I got in regards to people's psychic abilities. While most people said they are in no way psychic, here are some of the more unique answers I got:

No but I wish I did, somehow my life would be a little more together if it were... at least I hope it would. - Naftali

No I don't but I have had experience with meeting with a medium to help me through my loss of my mom. It really helped me and gave me some peace. Don't know how to explain it because of it being the first time I went, but when I was there, and through this, it was so visual and emotional that it helped me heal. So its not a psychic ability but I sure believe in it.! - Cathie

i have what i call the momma psychic ability lol, like when my little girl is about to do something or is doing something i see the crash, bang and scream that will happen if i dont stop her ;) - Kym

The only ability Ihave is that when someone trie to sneak up on me, I alwys turn around before they are successful. - Debbie


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